Saturday, November 30, 2019
Torah Scripture Essays - Book Of Exodus, Covenant,
Torah Scripture Introduction to the Torah Scripture Introduction to Scriptures in general and Hebrew Scriptures in particular The Torah A. Introduction to the Torah B. Begin exploring the Torah's themes and content The Torah in the New Testament and the Book of Common Prayer Part I Introduction Scripture In General Doctrine of Inspiration The Bible is: A single Divine revelation, with two Testaments, better called covenants or agreements between God and his people. Three necessary theological constituents of inspiration: God's causality: The prime mover in inspiration is God. The Bible tells us that "no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God (II Peter 1:21). In other words, God revealed and people repeated the revelation orally or in written form. See BCP, p. 236. The Human agency: People play an important role in the overall process of inspiration; they were the means through which God spoke. God used people to convey his propositions. In inspiration, then, God is the original cause, and the human agent is the instrumental cause. Scriptural authority: This is the third and final product of God's causality and the human agency. God not only spoke to the writers of Holy Scripture, but he continues to speak through their God-inspired writing. See BCP, p. 853. A working definition of the doctrine of inspiration might be this: "A process whereby God causes his Word to work through the mind and pen of a human being, without overriding their personality and style, to produce divinely authoritative writings." The Bible has a unifying theme - Redemption: There is a two-fold meaning of the word redemption. it infers deliverance; and it implies a price paid for that deliverance, the ransom. Redemption ultimately is from: the penalty of sin: from the power of Satan and evil, cf, BCP, p. 302; by the price Jesus paid on the cross. How the Books of the Hebrew Bible are Organized (Chart) Part II Introducing The Torah The books of the Bible have not always been numbered or grouped as they are today. The earliest division of the Old Testament was a simple twofold division of Law and Prophets. The first five books were called the Law of Moses and all the other books were called the Prophets. (C.f., the Summary of the Law, BCP, p. 324) The names given to the first five books of the Bible are several: They are called: The Law The Torah The Books of Moses or the Pentateuch. The time covered in the Books of Moses or Torah: Genesis - from the creation to the bondage of Israel in Egypt, about 1860 BC. Exodus - from the sojourn of Israel in Egypt to Mt. Sinai (c. 1860-1447 BC.) Leviticus - one month between Exodus and Numbers Numbers - from Mount Sinai to the end of the forty-years "wandering" (c. 1447-1407 BC) Deuteronomy - from the end of the wandering to after Moses' funeral (about two months). The heart of the Pentateuch is found in the book of Exodus, which deals with the exodus from Egypt and the sojourn at Mount Sinai. All Jewish tradition reaches back to these "root experiences." They constitute the basic understanding of Jewish identity and of the identity and character of God. Covenant and Law Two themes fundamental to the Old Testament: covenant and Law, are closely related. Covenant signifies many things, including an agreement between nations or individuals, but above all it refers to the pact between Yahweh and Israel sealed at Mount Sinai. The language concerning that covenant has much in common with that of ancient Near Eastern treaties; both are sworn agreements sealed by oaths. Yahweh is seen to have taken the initiative in granting the covenant by electing a people. Perhaps the simplest formulation of the covenant is the sentence: ?I will take you for my people, and I will be your God? (Exodus 6:7). The law was understood to have been given as a part of the covenant, the means by which Israel became and remained the people of God. The law contains regulations for behavior in relation to other human beings as well as rules concerning religious practices, but by no means does it give a full set of instructions for life. Rather, it seems to set forth the limits beyond which the people could not go without breaking the covenant. Scholars have recognized in the Hebrew laws two major types of laws, the: apodictic casuistic. Apodictic law is represented Torah Scripture Essays - Book Of Exodus, Covenant, Torah Scripture Introduction to the Torah Scripture Introduction to Scriptures in general and Hebrew Scriptures in particular The Torah A. Introduction to the Torah B. Begin exploring the Torah's themes and content The Torah in the New Testament and the Book of Common Prayer Part I Introduction Scripture In General Doctrine of Inspiration The Bible is: A single Divine revelation, with two Testaments, better called covenants or agreements between God and his people. Three necessary theological constituents of inspiration: God's causality: The prime mover in inspiration is God. The Bible tells us that "no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God (II Peter 1:21). In other words, God revealed and people repeated the revelation orally or in written form. See BCP, p. 236. The Human agency: People play an important role in the overall process of inspiration; they were the means through which God spoke. God used people to convey his propositions. In inspiration, then, God is the original cause, and the human agent is the instrumental cause. Scriptural authority: This is the third and final product of God's causality and the human agency. God not only spoke to the writers of Holy Scripture, but he continues to speak through their God-inspired writing. See BCP, p. 853. A working definition of the doctrine of inspiration might be this: "A process whereby God causes his Word to work through the mind and pen of a human being, without overriding their personality and style, to produce divinely authoritative writings." The Bible has a unifying theme - Redemption: There is a two-fold meaning of the word redemption. it infers deliverance; and it implies a price paid for that deliverance, the ransom. Redemption ultimately is from: the penalty of sin: from the power of Satan and evil, cf, BCP, p. 302; by the price Jesus paid on the cross. How the Books of the Hebrew Bible are Organized (Chart) Part II Introducing The Torah The books of the Bible have not always been numbered or grouped as they are today. The earliest division of the Old Testament was a simple twofold division of Law and Prophets. The first five books were called the Law of Moses and all the other books were called the Prophets. (C.f., the Summary of the Law, BCP, p. 324) The names given to the first five books of the Bible are several: They are called: The Law The Torah The Books of Moses or the Pentateuch. The time covered in the Books of Moses or Torah: Genesis - from the creation to the bondage of Israel in Egypt, about 1860 BC. Exodus - from the sojourn of Israel in Egypt to Mt. Sinai (c. 1860-1447 BC.) Leviticus - one month between Exodus and Numbers Numbers - from Mount Sinai to the end of the forty-years "wandering" (c. 1447-1407 BC) Deuteronomy - from the end of the wandering to after Moses' funeral (about two months). The heart of the Pentateuch is found in the book of Exodus, which deals with the exodus from Egypt and the sojourn at Mount Sinai. All Jewish tradition reaches back to these "root experiences." They constitute the basic understanding of Jewish identity and of the identity and character of God. Covenant and Law Two themes fundamental to the Old Testament: covenant and Law, are closely related. Covenant signifies many things, including an agreement between nations or individuals, but above all it refers to the pact between Yahweh and Israel sealed at Mount Sinai. The language concerning that covenant has much in common with that of ancient Near Eastern treaties; both are sworn agreements sealed by oaths. Yahweh is seen to have taken the initiative in granting the covenant by electing a people. Perhaps the simplest formulation of the covenant is the sentence: ?I will take you for my people, and I will be your God? (Exodus 6:7). The law was understood to have been given as a part of the covenant, the means by which Israel became and remained the people of God. The law contains regulations for behavior in relation to other human beings as well as rules concerning religious practices, but by no means does it give a full set of instructions for life. Rather, it seems to set forth the limits beyond which the people could not go without breaking the covenant. Scholars have recognized in the Hebrew laws two major types of laws, the: apodictic casuistic. Apodictic law is represented
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
disease essays
disease essays Nobody knows how long there have been people living in the southern part of the African mainland. Experts dates foundings of irontools in the Swaziland to the 4th century. Sailors who were shipwrecked outside the coast of South-Africa had contact with people who earned their living by farming and cattlebreeding. Later on when the Europeans arrived to South-Africa, they found a people on the east coast of Natal who called themselves" A ma zulu". These people were tall and very atleticly build, they could take great effort in both hunting and war and their knowledge to the nature was incredable. The Zulu tribe was once one of South-Africas biggest and most powerful tribes and they managed to stand up against the British until they lost the Zulu war in 1897. The tribes defece system was wery simmular to the system we have in Norway today. The troops were devided into regiments according to their age. And they got military training in diffrent parts of the country, just as we do in Norway today. The Zulues want to keep their tradition and identity alive, but they have a lot to struggle against. The lack of land and the demands from the whites way of life has disturbed their old way of living based on cattlebreeding and farming. The majority of the Zulues today live in the villages near by the mines and the cities where they have their work, others work on farms owned by whites. The zulu society has lost a lot of its stability. But one thing they havent lost is the solidarity to their fellow tribe members, and they are all very keen on maintaining their old cultur, inheritated threw The Zulues are traditionally polygame. They live on farms in huts made of grass and each and every wife has one or two of the huts, one to sleep in an the other one for daily doings. But the women havent only got their own cabins, they`ve got their own corn storage and their own fields too. But snice th...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem
The Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem In the mid-11th century, a Benedictine abbey was established in Jerusalem by merchants from Amalfi. About 30 years later, a hospital was founded next to the abbey to care for sick and poor pilgrims. After the success of the First Crusade in 1099, Brother Gerard (or Gerald), the hospitals superior, expanded the hospital and set up additional hospitals along the route to the Holy Land. On February 15, 1113, the order was formally named the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem and recognized in a papal bull issued by Pope Paschal II. The Knights Hospitaller were also known as Hospitalers, the Order of Malta, the Knights of Malta. From 1113 to 1309 they were known as the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem; from 1309 to 1522 they went by the Order of the Knights of Rhodes; from 1530 to 1798 they were the Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights of Malta; from 1834 to 1961 they were the Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem; and from 1961 to the present they are formally known as the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Hospitaller Knights In 1120, Raymond de Puy (a.k.a. Raymond of Provence) succeeded Gerard as leader of the order. He replaced the Benedictine Rule with the Augustinian Rule and actively began to build up the orders power base, helping the organization to acquire lands and wealth. Possibly inspired by the Templars, the Hospitallers began to take up arms in order to protect pilgrims as well as tend their illnesses and injuries. Hospitaller Knights were still monks and continued to follow their vows of personal poverty, obedience, and celibacy. The order also included chaplains and brothers who did not take up arms. Relocations of the Hospitallers The shifting fortunes of the western Crusaders would also affect the Hospitallers. In 1187, when Saladin captured Jerusalem, the Hospitaller Knights moved their headquarters to Margat, then to Acre ten years later. With the fall of Acre in 1291 they moved to Limassol in Cyprus. The Knights of Rhodes In 1309 the Hospitallers acquired the island of Rhodes. The grand master of the order, who was elected for life (if confirmed by the pope), ruled Rhodes as an independent state, minting coins and exercising other rights of sovereignty. When the Knights of the Temple were dispersed, some surviving Templars joined the ranks at Rhodes. The knights were now more warrior than hospitaller, though they remained a monastic brotherhood. Their activities included naval warfare; they armed ships and set off after Muslim pirates, and took revenge on Turkish merchants with piracy of their own. The Knights of Malta In 1522 the Hospitaller control of Rhodes came to an end with a six-month siege by Turkish leader Suleyman the Magnificent. The Knights capitulated on January 1, 1523, and left the island with those citizens who chose to accompany them. The Hospitallers were without a base until 1530, when Holy Roman emperor Charles V arranged for them to occupy the Maltese archipelago. Their presence was conditional; the most notable agreement was the presentation of a falcon to the emperors viceroy of Sicily every year. In 1565, grand master Jean Parisot de la Valette exhibited superb leadership when he stopped Suleyman the Magnificent from dislodging the Knights from their Maltese headquarters. Six years later, in 1571, a combined fleet of the Knights of Malta and several European powers virtually destroyed the Turkish navy at the Battle of Lepanto. The Knights built a new capital of Malta in honor of la Valette, which they named Valetta, where they constructed grand defenses and a hospital that attracted patients from far beyond Malta. The Last Relocation of the Knights Hospitaller The Hospitallers had returned to their original purpose. Over the centuries they gradually gave up warfare in favor of medical care and territorial administration. Then, in 1798, they lost Malta when Napoleon occupied the island on the way to Egypt. For a short time they returned under the auspices of the Treaty of Amiens (1802), but when the 1814 Treaty of Paris gave the archipelago to Britain, the Hospitallers left once more. They at last settled permanently in Rome in 1834. Membership of the Knights Hospitaller Although nobility was not required to join the monastic order, it was required to be a Hospitaller Knight. As time went on this requirement grew more strict, from proving nobility of both parents to that of all grandparents for four generations. A variety of knightly classifications evolved to accommodate lesser knights and those who gave up their vows to marry, yet remained affiliated with the order. Today, only Roman Catholics may become Hospitallers, and the governing knights must prove the nobility of their four grandparents for two centuries. The Hospitallers Today After 1805 the order was led by lieutenants until the office of Grand Master was restored by Pope Leo XIII in 1879. In 1961 a new constitution was adopted in which the orders religious and the sovereign status was precisely defined. Although the order no longer governs any territory, it does issue passports, and it is recognized as a sovereign nation by the Vatican and some Catholic European nations.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Reaction paper - Essay Example Indeed, if one really thinks hard, it was right that running out of gas was made illegal because it could have been dangerous for other speeding cars. It is no wonder that car manufacturers like Volkswagen, Porsche etc. were inspired to design and create new high speed models with low friction tyres, massive engine and sensitive suspension system which could attain great speed. But today, the speed limit on autobahn is imposed because of two major reasons: increasing traffic and to promote conservation of forest land that was being adversely impacted due pollution emitted by high speeding cars. Interestingly, autobahns have seen fewer accidents as against American interstate. The reasons could probably be contributed to conscientious Germans who have great road sense and road authorities who mandate strict driving criteria for its drivers. The autobahns have inspired other countries like America to create such network of long highways which connect far away states and nations. The au tobahns of Germany have indeed become a world symbol for super highways where one can still experience the exhilaration of extreme speed. (words: 294) Reference ‘Modern Marvels – The Autobahns’. Retrieved from:
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Dorothy Parker and an Analysis of Her Short Stories Research Paper
Dorothy Parker and an Analysis of Her Short Stories - Research Paper Example She went through three marriages, including two with the same man. Most people say that her sharp wit was also a result of these marriages and suicidal attempts, which indulged her to take on alcohol as a soothing device. Nonetheless, this paper helps to provide an insight into three of her short stories, while comprehending how Parker has made use of wit and humour from her life, into those stories, in order to tell the world about the miseries of her marriages. She was also one of the founders of the Algonquin Round Table and wrote for Vanity Fair however, her wit proved to be too sarcastic for some of the producers. Initially however, her wit as a critic was extremely popular among the people because she told the truth in its rawest form making a number of producers and directors feel extremely uncomfortable for their less than average results in the box office. No wonder Parker was able to laugh at herself quite well too. Her stories are permanent proof of how she was witty about everything including her own personal life. For example, she had extreme ambivalent feelings about her Jewish background and she joked that in order to escape her name, she got married to a Wall Street stock broker by the name of Edwin Pond Parker II because of the anti-Semitic feelings that were prevalent in America, as well as around the world, at the time. All her stories have some or the other snippet taken from her life and this paper presents her married life in comic through her writing. (Meade, Marion) Through her worst years, Dorothy Parker always tried to maintain a very tough exterior for the world to see. This was probably because of a few reasons ranging from the already doomed image of women in the much talked about patriarchal society at the time, as well as maintaining her position as someone who had the best wit in the country at the time. She drank publicly in order to portray a sense of masculinity and to show that women could be tough as well. Parker often said, â€Å"Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words.†(Parker, Dorothy) Despite her failed marriages, she scoffed at her own misery in public in order to show people that there were worse problems in life. â€Å"In subsequent successful volumes of poetryâ€â€Sunset Gun (1928), Death and Taxes (1931), and Not So Deep as a Well (1936)â€â€Parker poked fun at her own heartbreak, masochism, and hopefulness. Her most effective verse captures the breadth of her dreams and disappointments with bitter irony and perfect turns of phrase, but only hints at their depths.†(Itzkovitz, Daniel) One of Parker’s very famous short poems is about how she was reckless enough to drink and be with any man that she wanted to. For example, â€Å"I like to have a martini, Two at the very most. After three I’m under the table, after four I’m under my host.†However, her stories still portray women in a much closed form where they are not able to speak up other than to their own thoughts. In all her stories discussed within this paper, Parker’s characters are only able to speak to the voices in their heads. (Walker, Nancy) ‘The Waltz’ written by Parker is one of her all time best satirical pieces in which a young woman’s thoughts get meddled up as she says yes to waltzing with a man. Her cynical side gets the best of her positivism and she grimly acknowledges both the voices in her head.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Impact of Social Classes Essay Example for Free
Impact of Social Classes Essay The world that we live in is so immense, that the people who live in it is so diverse in culture, lifestyle, language and even skin color. We live in different environments and countries yet with all these dissimilarities, we share something in common. That is what we call social classes, which was practiced primarily during the beginning of world civilization. Our world began with this system and thereby influenced the generations after them. People were then identified simply as slaves or kings yet very unjust. People eventually awakened from a lengthy stupor and learned to fight for their human rights to exterminate these social strata and discriminations that exist in the society even until today. It is sad but factual and real. Even in the most democratic country, social classes still exist in modern times and manifest in terms of financial, cultural ethnicity and even racial aspects. We still have what we call as upper, middle and lower classes basing on their financial capacity. It is really part of our world but we have grown to be more considerate and tolerant to each other. In the story AP, the setting of the story happened in a store in a small town five miles away from the beach. People here are generally conservative thus concerned about propriety. The story began when Sammy, who worked as a cashier in this grocery store called AP saw three young girls who came in the store barefoot, wearing swimming suits. This of course does not occur everyday in this town, so naturally, Sammy and his co-worker Stokesie were stunned. Even the other grocery shoppers were surprised to these girls confidently walking along the aisles looking for something they need to buy. When the girls were on the counter being manned by Sammy, they caught the eye of Mr. Lengel, who manages the store. Mr. Lengel who also teaches Sunday school could not help but approach the girls and told them â€Å"Girls, this isn’t the beach. †This embarrassed the girls and one of them said, â€Å"We are decent†. The girls then paid and hurried to go back to their car outside and leave. Before the girls left, Sammy suddenly told Mr. Lengel that he is quitting his job, deliberately saying it while the girls were of hearing range to present himself as their hero but when he left the store, the girls left already, putting his efforts to nothing. Sammy then realized that his impulsiveness led his to lose his job which can greatly affect his life and his family. Living in different areas in the same country also means having diverse cultures. Urban areas especially the big cities have displays of a more liberated lifestyle compared to the rural ones. The contrasts of these two societies are very apparent in this story. These girls didn’t think they did anything wrong by walking in a store wearing swimming suits but for residents of that community, it was very improper and offensive. Sammy seemed in awe of these girls and impulsively quit his job just to become a momentary hero for them. Seeing this trio of girls who have been used to a different upbringing due to a social class they grew in opened Sammy’s eyes to something different from the one he is used to. The second story was entitled â€Å"Barn Burning†which happened in the 1930’s. It was about an impoverished family led by the father called Abner Snopes, who works for farmers in way of rental contracts. This family has been moving from one farm to another for several years because Abner always gets in trouble. Abner is so full of bitterness and insecurities that pushed him to do ludicrous deeds to the farm owners he works in. His temper heats up even with the slightest provocation and gets consumed with hatred which impels him to burn the barns of the farms who worked for. All these were done witnessed by his two sons, twin daughters, sister-in-law and his wife who tags along with him every time he needed to move. He was put in question in Peace’s courts several times because of his arsonist tendencies. One time, he burned a barn to get back at his neighbor named Mr. Harris because his hog strayed to his neighbor’s property and defiantly refused to return it if he would not pay the fine of a dollar. He then sent a black man whom he calls rudely as a nigger and asks him to pay the dollar to claim his hog and tell the neighbor, â€Å"Wood and hay kin burn. †Later the barn of that neighbor was burned. After the inquest the Snopes family had to move to another farm outside that county. When they arrived at another farm, he immediately paid a visit to the owner of the farm and insisted on going inside the white carpeted house with his filthy shoes and smeared dung on it from his shoes. He was later told in court to pay the farm owner ten bushels of corn which he obviously could not afford since they can barely put food on their table. He then later decided to burn the barn of that farm owner for revenge. The only person in the Snopes’ family, who truly asserted himself to correct the misdeeds of his father, was Abner’s youngest son who was a little boy named Colonel Sartoris Snopes. He wanted his father’s habitual barn burning to be stopped and so told the farm owner of what was happening. Colonerl Sartoris was righteous and did what he believed was the right thing to do even if his father’s barn burning is revealed. I am not trying to defend but understand Abner for the things he did in the story. What he did was wrong and there was no just compelling for his actions but Abner’s behavior was in some ways a result of what society laid as basis for a person’s worth. He became irrational and resorted to violence when he thought he was unfairly treated instead of trying to do things in a proper way. Social classification then was so vividly observable. The owners of a farm are far more affluent compared to the families in the likes of the Snopes’ who does the hard, laborious work of tilling the land, growing the crops then harvesting it yet earning so little for it. The unfairness of that era was evident and created a huge gap between these social classes which affects the lives of those considered as inferior like Abner’s family. They deserved equal opportunity to live a more comfortable and easy life. Sammy and Abner has the same impulsiveness to do what they think could put justice into a situation without thinking of the consequences of their action. Sammy quit his job to show that he dissented the way Mr. Lengel embarrassed the girls which was implied to be a decision that would affect his family. On the other hand, Abner resorted to violence to solve his predicament which apparently worsens his family’s situation. Social stratification affects the lives of the people. It may enrich their lives or curtail their opportunities. These days it is a relief to see that the lines between these classes are not as vivid as during the time of our forefathers and are now slowly fading into progression. There are still destitute men and women on the streets in most communities. There are still discriminations among races and gender. There are still people oppressed by their leaders. But it is evident that in our society today people are more aware of their rights and would definitely fight for it in whatever way they can. These stories showed the development in how people treated each other during these two eras and the history of social classes.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
AD Replaces SAM Essay -- essays research papers
Windows 2000 Active Directory replaced Windows NT 4.0 Security Account Manager Database, providing not only increased functionality and scalability, but also enhanced security through more-granular levels of permissions, sophisticated encryption, and two-way, resilient authentication protocol (with Kerberos). With the Windows 2003 platform, Microsoft takes full advantage of these features by allowing more flexibility in the way Active Directory information is partitioned and replicated. Starting with Windows 2000, Active Directory has been divided into three "logical" partitions (physically residing in the NTDS.DIT file on each domain controller) -- domain, configuration, and schema. The domain partitions store information specific to each domain (accessible primarily via Active Directory users and computers) and shared among all domain controllers in the same domain (partially replicated to all Global Catalogs in the forest). The configuration partition contains forest-wide information (accessible primarily via Active Directory sites and services) and is shared among all domain controllers in the forest. The schema partition consists of definitions of all objects and their properties that can exist in the other two partitions; it is also shared forest-wide. This mechanism for partitioning Active Directory data has been extended in Windows 2003 domains by the introduction of the application partition. Several features differentiate it from its three older cou... AD Replaces SAM Essay -- essays research papers Windows 2000 Active Directory replaced Windows NT 4.0 Security Account Manager Database, providing not only increased functionality and scalability, but also enhanced security through more-granular levels of permissions, sophisticated encryption, and two-way, resilient authentication protocol (with Kerberos). With the Windows 2003 platform, Microsoft takes full advantage of these features by allowing more flexibility in the way Active Directory information is partitioned and replicated. Starting with Windows 2000, Active Directory has been divided into three "logical" partitions (physically residing in the NTDS.DIT file on each domain controller) -- domain, configuration, and schema. The domain partitions store information specific to each domain (accessible primarily via Active Directory users and computers) and shared among all domain controllers in the same domain (partially replicated to all Global Catalogs in the forest). The configuration partition contains forest-wide information (accessible primarily via Active Directory sites and services) and is shared among all domain controllers in the forest. The schema partition consists of definitions of all objects and their properties that can exist in the other two partitions; it is also shared forest-wide. This mechanism for partitioning Active Directory data has been extended in Windows 2003 domains by the introduction of the application partition. Several features differentiate it from its three older cou...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Essay Essay
THE MOST MEMORIABLE VACATION My most memorable vacation was when I went to NHA TRANG with my family last summer. When my father told me I was excited because NHA TRANG famous for beautiful beaches and delicious foods. After four hours on the train, finally we arrived. Although I felt tired after long hours, I am happy when I was standing in front of a beautiful beach. Firstly, we arranged our bags and after that, we quickly swim in the blue sea. Next, my younger brother and I were building sandcastles while my parents were sunbathing on the sand. For a few hours, we felt hungry so we went to a nearby restaurant to enjoy tasty foods. In the afternoon, we visited some beautiful and famous places such as THAP BA PONAGAR; HON CHONG then went to NHA TRANG center to buy some souvenirs. The day went by so fast. The trip was short but it had a strong impression on me and my family and I have many memories of that day. QUALITY OF A GOOD TEACHER The good teacher has three important qualities. The first quality of a good teacher is that having strong knowledge of his or her subject matter. For instance, teachers have to provide students with specific content knowledge. A good teacher will know how to explain the content that he or she is teaching in a way easy to the most understand for students. Another quality of a good teacher is enthusiastic and caring. For example, he or she always cares academic status of the students and help them more advance in learning. Moreover, they also learn about the family circumstances of the individual students and find ways to help the poor students. The last quality is that confidence. Standing in front of a class, he or she has to the voice clear and full of confidence to their student pay attention to his or her lectures. To sum up, a good teacher need to have three qualities above and ethic good quality. DISADVANTAGES OF LIVING IN THE DOMITORY Living in a college dormitory has several disadvantages. The first disadvantage is narrow space. For example, dormitory in PHU YEN University, there are eight students sharing the room, it becomes crowded and narrow. You do not have much space to learn within a dorm. In addition, your roommates can be messy, upset, or talkative so you will feel uncomfortable when living together with them. Another disadvantage is food. You are not allowed to cook in the dormitory so you have to eat rice at the canteen or at the restaurant. The amount you have to pay for meals in the dorm expensive than in the motel. In addition, you will feel tired of when you have to eat the same foods every day. Finally, living in a dormitory is noisy. Sometime you cannot concentrate for learn if your roommate opens music loudly. To sum up, you must find the best accommodation for you to convenient for your learning but you should think before deciding to live in the dormitory. A BEAUTIFUL BEACH AT DAWN Beyond a shadow of doubt, NHA TRANG beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, particularly at dawn. Every day, at 5.30pm, the sunrise slowly, it is like yolk rise from the bottom of the sea. At that time, the beach always crowded. Many people get together here very early to do the exercise and bathe in the sea. The beach scenery at dawn is fantastic, with a neglected beauty. The silence covers the whole beach; there is no sound but the sound of breaking waves. If you stand on the sandbank and stare into the distance, in the sun direction, you will have a strange feeling; have something peaceful in the deep of your soul. The atmosphere is so great by the winds, which come from. When the sun has risen completely, you can see some light rays of sunlight; they signal to you that the dawn-time nearly ended. I think words cannot describe how nice this beach is at dawn. If you have a chance to visit somewhere, why do not you try visiting NHA TRANG to enjoy the beach landscape at dawn in the true sense of the word? A BEAUTIFUL BEACH AT DUSK Sitting on the fine sand, I can see the amazing beauty of the beach at dusk. The sun like a fiery orb looks like it is gradually receding into the waters below. The setting sun’s red rays lit up the sky above the western horizon. At the time, the sky consisted of an assortment of shades, a blend of reds, oranges, and yellows. The waters below mirror this effect. The waves are tinted vermilion; the sand under my feet is the same color, the vivid color mix highlights the beauty of the beach at dusk like a perfect picture. I can hear is the sound of the waves as they crash against the shore, and seagulls, which I cannot see, squawking in the distance. Sometime I can smell the fishy smell of fish. It smells warm and salty, as I breathe in the cold, salty. I just stand there, eyes closed, and feel the moment until the dusk and the warm feeling fades. I wish time could stop to enjoy this wonderful moment longer. HOW TO MAKE CHICKEN RICE You can make a tasty chicken rice dish if you follow these easy steps. The first step is to prepare the necessary ingredient such as haft chicken, rice, three slices ginger, salt, coriander onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, and chilly sauce. Next, cook the rice in the rice cooker. The third step is to cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces, and then combine all the other ingredients and mix well in a bowl. After that, pour the mixture over the chicken, cover with foil and bake until the rice is cooked. When the rice is cooked, season to taste with salt, if needed. Finally, scoop a bowl of chicken rice on plate. Place cooked chicken over the rice. Garnish with sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, coriander, and spring onions. Now sit down and enjoy your delicious chicken rice plate with ginger sauce and chilly sauce on the side. HOW TO PREPARE FOR A JOB INTERVIEW Before a job interview, you can be stressful, but you can reduce your stress by following these skills. The first skill is picking out what you are going to wear to your job interview. The first choice an interviewer makes is going to base on how you look and what you are wearing. That is why it is always important to dress appropriately for a job interview. The second skill is that practiced greeting before your interviewer. You should always greet your interviewer with a friendly smile and a firm handshake. It will create a good impression about you to the interviewer. Next, you should prepare some typical interview questions you will probably be asked during a job interview. If you prepare well the answers of the interviewers can ask, you will not be surprised with questions about them. Practice interviewing with a friend or family member ahead of time and it will be much easier when you are actually in a job interview. To sum up, the interviewers will appreciate what you did and can choice if you have a good preparation. AUSTRALIAN AND VIETNAMESE EDUCATION SYSTEM Australian and Vietnamese have similarities and differences in the education system. We can see that both education systems of Australian and Vietnam are quite similar that they have twelve grades, from one to twelve. In addition, schooling is compulsory for students until the age of fifteen. Despite the similarities, the two educations have some very important differences in system division, school-time. The first major difference between Vietnamese and Australian education is the system division. In Australia, primary school goes from grade one to six and secondary school from grade seven to twelve. In Vietnam, we have primary school (from grade one to five), middle school (from grade six to nine), and high school (from grade ten to twelve). Another obvious difference that we can see from these two educations is school-time. In Australian, the academic year begins in early February for school students and late February/early March for vocational and university students. However, in Vietnamese, the academic year begins in middle August for students and late August/ early September for university students. Although both education systems of Australian and Vietnamese have a lot of differences and similarities, they are good education systems for students. AMERICAN AND VIETNAMESE MEALS American and Vietnamese meals are quite different. One difference is Americans have one big dinner per day but Vietnamese have three meals a day with some snacking on fruits and cakes. Americans always think to take advantage of that time to be effective, breakfast and lunch only eating briefly, in the evening with more spare time, so comfortable chatting happily, and eating dinner together. Another difference is that the Vietnamese have breakfast with soup â€Å"pho,†rice or rice noodles; bean sprouts; greens; boiled eggs; and crusty bread and drink green tea or coffee. The Vietnamese have lunch and dinner with rice, fish, or meat; vegetable dish with fish sauce then snacks with fruits or cakes. In contrast, Americans eat many foods that are high in calories and fat, such as hamburger, fried chicken, sandwiches. They do not spend much time in preparing food so they choose fast foods or going to the restaurant to eat. All in all, though there are differences between American meal and Vietnamese meal, they are typical culturally in the world.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Lanval Sir Gawain research paper
The legendary works of Lanval and Sir Gawain provides a positive human state of loyalty and honor that will truly boost the persona of these two individuals. Different portrayal of roles which will lead to a channel of similarities and differences was the focal point of scrutinizing these two masterpieces. In addition, upon exploring these two different works considering the positive and / or negative human state, attitude and characteristics, it is imperative to determine the strengths of Lanval and Sir Gawain by using these criteria.The story of Lanval reverses the typical conventions in romance as the maiden rescues the knight instead of the usual approach that men took the first move. In the event wherein Lanval walk away going nowhere, he looses his mind with and unfortunately his horse did not make to serve him and no other way but Lanval let go of his horse Apparently there were ladies along the way who came across with whom presents great attitude of accommodating him. As thi s two ladies approach Lanval, there was a prior intention of leading Lanval to the queen.   In Marie de France’s Lanval â€Å"These two ladies came straightaway / To the place where Lanval lay / Lanval, mannerly, well-bred / quickly scrambled to his feet / The ladies spoke, first to greet / Him, then with a message they said / Lord Lanval, the lady we owe duty / A lady of valor, wisdom and beauty / It’s for you our lady has sent / Us.Now come along with us, do! / Safely we’ll conduct you through / Not far – look, you can see her tent!†(6.1-12). Despite the eagerness of the queen to establish a discreet relationship, Lanval in return cannot take the pleasure being offered to him, thus, he neglected to pursue such tempting emotion. â€Å"For her kiss, her embrace, her touch / Little he cares about other’s delight / When he can’t enjoy his own! / The queen saw him go off alone / And she headed straight for that knight / S he sat near him, she called him over / she spoke as her heart would move her / Lanval, I really so respect you / I really care, I really love / And you can have all my love / Tell me what you want! I expect you / Must be happy at what I say / I’m offering to go all the way / Lady, he said, let me go! / I never thought to love you so! / I’ve served the king for many a day / His faith in me I won’t betray / Not for you, your love, or anything / Would I ever act against my king!†(13.1-19).It came to the point that the queen became desperate for the reason that Lanval still hold his emotion and stay in being loyal. Out of which the queen claims that Lanval maltreated her and even come to the point that Lanval was put in trial because of the anger of Queen Guinevere. â€Å"The King had just come home from the wood / His day's hunting had been good / He went into the Queen's chamber / She cried out, loud, when first she / Saw him, fell at his feet, begged merc y / Accused Lanval–he had shamed her! / He'd asked her for a love-affair / She'd said no, with this result / He'd offered her an ugly insult / He boasted of a friend so fair / So full of pride, breeding, honor / That the chambermaid who waited on her / The lowliest, poorest of the poor / Compared to the Queen, was worth far more / The King was angry, to the core / His oath against Lanval he swore / In court he'd prove he was no liar / Or else he'd hang, or die by fire / The King left the Queen's bedroom / Called three of his barons to him / Sent them to bring in Lanval†(15.1-21).On the other hand, the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knights epitomize the attitude of having a word of honor but unfortunately in the case of Sir Gawain, he did not make it up to the end. The game is that the challenger gets a chance to hit the Green Knight but in a year and a day, he must go to the Green Knight's chapel and then the Green Knight will test him and if he fails the tests, th e Green Knight will hit him. Sir Gawain being the youngest knight in the round table unfolds the challenge of battling with the Green Knight and continue with the pact that goes with the confront which was after a year of the fight the conqueror will go to Green Chapel to get a blow in return if he does not meet the ordeal.As Sir Gawain was on his way to the said place after a year, he was able to meet Bertilak. â€Å"Sir, if you be Gawain, it seems a great wonder / A man so well-meaning, and mannerly disposed / And cannot act in company as courtesy bids†(lines 1126 – 1997).  As Sir Gawain reached the place, challenges were headed for him, which in fact was very symbolic in nature. Temptations occurs which in turn he get hold of a girdle. Bertilak which happens to be the Green Knight also put him into the test as they come to the exchange of winnings. Unfortunately, Sir Gawain fails to be loyal and honest as he fails to utter the girdle that he has.Both these stori es present exciting analytical relationship taking into account honor and courtly love. It is of great pride of the character’s portrayal on how their outlook will affect their decisions up to the end which will make them a hero of their own. Compare and contrast these two poems is the focal point of this paper. In addition, at the end of this paper, identifying the similarities and differences of both works was essential in the analysis of the subject matter.Compare and Contrast: Lanval & Sir GawainLoyalty was clearly illustrated in both characters. It is of great value to take note how this certain attitude transform their individuality. Lanval promises not to reveal the identity of his mistress. Even when Queen Guinevere attempts to seduce Lanval, he refuses temptation because of her loyalty to his lover – the fairy maiden. Evidently, the foundation of such loyalty was rooted in the character of his lover. On the other hand, Sir Gawain takes the challenge for King A rthur in response to his loyalty to his master. He also honors the pact of one year and one day and took the chance of fighting with beast in order to render the pact of their duel. Sir Gawain has the will to sacrifice in order to hold on his word to the point that he almost experience starving just to keep his promise.In lieu of their loyalty, they established within themselves the honor which gives them the pride. Lanval embrace his word up to the end even if he goes through a trial, he faces it with pride and honor. He did not endure the accusations of the queen and faces its challenges. On the other note, Sir Gawain seize his honor as he dwell on the challenges of the concordat up to the end. He did not even open a single door to have second thought to pursue the battle with the Green Knight and thus, give him ultimate honor.As regards to feelings, both the character of Lanval and Sir Gawain experienced to have intense love – the one for a certain maiden and the latter wa s a love for the self. It could be different in criteria but both give them the strength to live. The pursuance of ones love ultimately gives them the drive to stand rigid and hold on what would make them tough. Definitely, as the character of Lanval and Sir Gawain defeats temptation, this love boosts their grip on the road to being strong. It brightens the lives of Lanval and Sir Gawain as their powerful love bestow them hope. Lanval even if he’s on trial and in any moment will destroy the life that he has, he consistently hold onto the hope that the truth will prevail – whatever accusations of the queen towards Lanval, it will not persist because it just present an opaque scenario of events which did not occur in the first place.  In Marie de France’s Lanval â€Å"On the day set for the trial / The barons have traveled many a mile / To be there; the Queen’s there, and the King / And now Lanval’s hostages bring / Him in. They’re so s orry for him / A hundred knights or more, I guess / Would have done anything for him / So he could walk free away from the case / So wrongful are the accusations!†(20.1-9).The people will stand for Lanval as they witness the unreasonable accusations that queen bequeath on Lanval. Parallel to this, as to the case of Sir Gawain, as he faces the challenge of the Green Knight, his will sustains his hope. The more he pursues the pact, the more it will give him peace of mind. Thus holding on the aspiration of victory gives him hope.Guilt also took part in the characters stance and make plausible comparison. As regard to Lanval’s encounter with the queen, even if he was very much aware that the personality of the queen might be ruin, Lanval still insist with his determination to stand to what he believes is right – and that is to be loyal with his lover. As to the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, in consequence of Sir Gawain’s encounter with challenges in Green’s Chapel, the host gives him kisses in return for his success, however he did not follow to what they agreed prior the battle, he did not give all of his winnings which gives him the guilt and thus consistently wear the girdle around his arm as a sign of his culpability.ConclusionThe act of sincerity comes into account as we weigh the guilt which was instill in the hearts and minds of the characters. Both Lanval and Sir Gawain were sincere in their craft. With no hesitance, they face the consequences of their chosen field. Fear was the major hindrance to their established characters.Both personas disregard pleasure and pain. The act of cynicism was present in Lanval and Sir Gawain. Courtly love was taken into account in these two characters. Lanval epitomized his sincerity and love for his fairy maiden as he kept surpassing the barriers of their relationships. On the other hand the host going to the Green Chapel touches the heart of Sir Gawain in one way or the other as he sealed himself in exchanging his winnings with the Green Knight specifically with the girdle that he got from the host. Sense of mortality was present as it has a feeling of commonality in both presented poems. These nearly pass the same life cycle as its main character being portrayed by Lanval and Sir Gawain almost has the same channel – a sense of preciousness of time and life.Good things happen to good people. Lanval broke his promise, and Sir Gawain broke his promise. But nothing bad happened to either. They learned from their mistake and they were regretful. Both authors show that after all, humans will be humans, and humans are capable of mistakes, no matter how honorable their past has been.Both the female characters are not loyal to their husbands. Neither is Queen Guinevere or the host’s wife. Both try to seduce another man and attempt to sleep with other man. Men are more loyal than women in these two works.On another note, there were also opposing in stances in these poems. The works differ in loyalty. Sir Gawain lied to protect his life while Lanval lied to protect his mistress’ honor. Furthermore, as regards to the sense of guilt, Lanval did not felt a single guilt at the end as he chose to stand firm on what he believe was right. Lanval just ride off to Avalon with his lover – as if it was okay for him to break his code of silence. On the Contrary, there was a feeling of guilt in Sir Gawain since he was not honest in exchanging his winnings and in consequence of his remorse; he wears his girdle in his arms.Lanval and Sir Gawain show the interconnection of their stories as well as their temperaments. In one way or the other, there was resemblance with their stories and it presents a good basis of comparison.Referencesâ€Å"LANVAL†Marie de France, translated Judith P. Shoaf  ©1991, 2005Stone, Brian. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. British Library. 1974
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on The Coca-Cola Conspiracy
â€Å"doctor pepper†emerge. Through a process of conditioning that began when I was very young, with input mainly from my family, Dr. Pepper became my standard drink. There was little choice to make in the matter. Of course other name brand drinks were available, and I tried them all, but each visit to a restaurant proved again and again that Pepper and myself were meant to be. I was working at a movie theatre when I was sixteen years old. It was a dollar theatre that catered to lower income patrons than our five and six dollar counterparts. For my time behind the concession stand, I witnessed some interlinked phenomena, and it was from these phenomena from which sprang my hatred for coke. Often times when a Latino family approached me, the only English-speaking member was a child enrolled in elementary school. They always did a very good job placing orders except when it was time to select a beverage. A close 95% of the time, a child such as this would say, â€Å"Three large drinks.†And thus began the problem, because there were many drinks available. â€Å"What kind of drinks?†Was my automated response to such a request, but I already knew the answer. After a three second period of discussion in Spanish, one word emerges from the fray†¦ â€Å"Coke,†and this is the answer in 99% o... Free Essays on The Coca-Cola Conspiracy Free Essays on The Coca-Cola Conspiracy Machines line our schools, workplaces, and stores, silently watching passers by. Huge fortresses stand as strongholds enforcing your choice in beverage. It comes into our homes via satellite to spread its propaganda with advertisement, which offers the American dream yet only delivers disease and bad taste. The enemy has gone unnoticed for too long, and the time to make our stand is now! Down with the Coca Cola Empire! Often when I go out to family restaurants, and a server asks for the first round of drink orders, my response is automatic. I’ll be in the middle of conversation and then it’s my turn to order a drink, then without thinking the words â€Å"doctor pepper†emerge. Through a process of conditioning that began when I was very young, with input mainly from my family, Dr. Pepper became my standard drink. There was little choice to make in the matter. Of course other name brand drinks were available, and I tried them all, but each visit to a restaurant proved again and again that Pepper and myself were meant to be. I was working at a movie theatre when I was sixteen years old. It was a dollar theatre that catered to lower income patrons than our five and six dollar counterparts. For my time behind the concession stand, I witnessed some interlinked phenomena, and it was from these phenomena from which sprang my hatred for coke. Often times when a Latino family approached me, the only English-speaking member was a child enrolled in elementary school. They always did a very good job placing orders except when it was time to select a beverage. A close 95% of the time, a child such as this would say, â€Å"Three large drinks.†And thus began the problem, because there were many drinks available. â€Å"What kind of drinks?†Was my automated response to such a request, but I already knew the answer. After a three second period of discussion in Spanish, one word emerges from the fray†¦ â€Å"Coke,†and this is the answer in 99% o...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Apple Inc Development Essay Example for Free
Apple Inc Development Essay Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had withdrawn from Reed College and UC Berkeley, respectively by 1975. Wozniak designed a video terminal that he could use to log on to the minicomputers at Call Computer. Alex Kamradt commissioned the design and sold a small number of them through his firm. Aside from their interest in up-to-date technology, the impetus for â€Å"the two Steves†seems to have had another source. In his essay From Satori to Silicon Valley (published 1986), cultural historian Theodore Roszak made the point that the Apple Computer emerged from within the West Coast counterculture and the need to produce print-outs, letter labels, and databases. Roszak offers a bit of background on the development of the two Steves’ prototype models. In 1976, Wozniak started attending meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club. New microcomputers such as the Altair 8800 and the IMSAI inspired him to build a microprocessor into his video terminal and have a complete computer. At the time the only microcomputer CPUs generally available were the $179 Intel 8080 ($773.00 in present-day terms[11]), and the $170 Motorola 6800 ($734.00 in present-day terms[11]). Wozniak preferred the 6800, but both were out of his price range. So he watched, and learned, and designed computers on paper, waiting for the day he could afford a CPU. When MOS Technology released its $20 ($82.00 in present-day terms[11]) 6502 chip in 1976, Wozniak wrote a version of BASIC for it, then began to design a computer for it to run on. The 6502 was designed by the same people who designed the 6800, as many in Silicon Valley left employers to form their own companies. Wozniak’s earlier 6800 paper-computer needed only minor changes to run on the new chip. Wozniak completed the machine and took it to Homebrew Computer Club meetings to show it off. At the meeting, Wozniak met his old friend Jobs, who was interested in the commercial potential of the small hobby machines. The Apple I was sold as an assembled circuit board and lacked basic features such as a keyboard, monitor, and case. The owner of this unit added a keyboard and a wooden case. The very first Apple Computer logo, drawn by Ronald Wayne, depicts Isaac Newton under an apple tree. The Apple logo in 1977 created by Rob Janoff with the rainbow color theme used until 1998. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had been friends for some time, having met in 1971, when their mutual friend, Bill Fernandez, introduced 21-year-old Wozniak to 16-year-old Jobs. Jobs managed to interest Wozniak in assembling a machine and selling it. Jobs approached a local computer store, The Byte Shop, who said they would be interested in the machine, but only if it came fully assembled. The owner, Paul Terrell, went further, saying he would order 50 of the machines and pay US $500 ($2.04 thousand in present-day terms[11]) each on delivery.[12] Jobs then took the purchase order that he had been given from the Byte Shop to Cramer Electronics, a national electronic parts distributor, and ordered the components he needed to assemble the Apple I Computer. The local credit manager asked Jobs how he was going to pay for the parts and he replied, â€Å"I have this purchase order from the Byte Shop chain of computer stores for 50 of my computers and the payment terms are COD. If you give me the parts on a net 30 day terms I can build and deliver the computers in that time frame, collect my money from Terrell at the Byte Shop and pay you.†[13] With that, the credit manager called Paul Terrell who was attending an IEEE computer conference at Asilomar in Pacific Grove and verified the validity of the purchase order. Amazed at the tenacity of Jobs, Terrell assured the credit manager if the computers showed up in his stores Jobs would be paid and would have more than enough money to pay for the parts order. The two Steves and their small crew spent day and night building and testing the computers and delivered to Terrell on time to pay his suppliers and have a tidy profit left over for their celebration and next order. Steve Jobs had found a way to finance his soon-to-be multimillion-dollar company without giving away one share of stock or ownership. The machine had only a few notable features. One was the use of a TV as the display system, whereas many machines had no display at all. This was not like the displays of later machines, however; text was displayed at a terribly slow 60 characters per second. However, this was still faster than the teleprinters used on contemporary machines of that era. The Apple I also included bootstrap code on ROM, which made it easier to start up. Finally, at the insistence of Paul Terrell, Wozniak also designed a cassette interface for loading and saving programs, at the then-rapid pace of 1200 bit/s. Although the machine was fairly simple, it was nevertheless a masterpiece of design, using far fewer parts than anything in its class, and quickly earning Wozniak a reputation as a master designer. Joined by another friend, Ronald Wayne, the three started to build the machines. Using a variety of methods, including borrowing space from friends and family, selling various prized items (like calculators and a VW bus) and scrounging, Jobs managed to secure the parts needed while Wozniak and Wayne assembled them. But the owner of the Byte Shop was expecting complete computers, not just printed circuit boards. The boards still being a product for the customers Terrell still paid them.[14] Eventually 200 of the Apple I’s were built. Wozniak had already moved on from the Apple I. Many of the design features of the I were due to the limited amount of money they had to construct the prototype, but with the income from the sales he was able to start construction of a greatly improved machine, the Apple II; it was presented to the public at the first West Coast Computer Faire on April 16 and April 17, 1977. On the first day of exhibition, Jobs introduced Apple II to a Japanese chemist named Toshio Mizushima who became the first authorized Apple dealer in Japan. The main difference internally was a completely redesigned TV interface, which held the display in memory. Now not only useful for simple text display, the Apple II included graphics, and, eventually, color. Jobs meanwhile pressed for a much improved case and keyboard, with the idea that the machine should be complete and ready to run out of the box. This was almost the case for the Apple I machines sold to The Byte Shop, but one still needed to plug various parts together and type in the code to run BASIC. Building such a machine was going to be fiscally burdensome. Jobs started looking for cash, but Wayne was somewhat gun shy due to a failed venture four years earlier, and eventually dropped out of the company. Banks were reluctant to lend Jobs money; the idea of a computer for ordinary people seemed absurd at the time. Jobs eventually met â€Å"Mike†Markkula who co-signed a bank loan for US$250,000, and the three formed Apple Computer on April 1, 1976. The name Apple was chosen because the company to beat in the technology industry at the time was Atari, and Apple Computer came before Atari alphabetically and thus also in the phone book. Another reason was that Jobs had happy memories of working on an Oregon apple farm one summer.[15] With both cash, and a new case design in hand thanks to designer Jerry Manock, the Apple II was released in 1977 and became the computer generally credited with creating the home computer market[citation needed]. Millions were sold well into the 1980s. A number of different models of the Apple II series were built, including the Apple IIe and Apple IIGS, which could still be found in many schools as late as 2005.[citation needed] While the Apple II was already established as a successful business-ready platform because of Visicalc, Apple was not content. The Apple III (Apple 3) was designed to take on the business environment. It was released on May 19, 1980. The Apple III was a relatively conservative design for computers of the era. However, Steve Jobs did not want the computer to have a fan; rather, he wanted the heat generated by the electronics to be dissipated through the chassis of the machine, forgoing the cooling fan. Unfortunately, the physical design of the case was not sufficient to cool the components inside it. By removing the fan from the design, the Apple III was prone to overheating. This caused the integrated circuit chips to disconnect from the motherboard. Customers who contacted Apple customer service were told to â€Å"drop the computer on the desk†, which would cause the ICs to fall back in to place. Thousands of Apple III computers were recalled and, although a new model was introduced in 1983 to rectify the problems, the damage was already done. In August 1980, the Financial Times reported that â€Å"Apple Computer, the fast growing Californian manufacturer of small computers for the consumer, business and educational markets, is planning to go public later this year. [It] is the largest private manufacturer in the U.S. of small computers. Founded about five years ago as a small workshop business, it has become the second largest manufacturer of small computers, after the Radio Shack division of the Tandy company.†[16] On December 12, 1980, Apple launched the Initial Public Offering of its stock to the investing public. When Apple went public, it generated more capital than any IPO since Ford Motor Company in 1956 and instantly created more millionaires (about 300) than any company in history.[17] Several venture capitalists cashed out, reaping billions in long-term capital gains. In January 1981, Apple held its first shareholders meeting as a public company in the Flint Center, a large auditorium at nearby De Anza College, which is often used for symphony concerts. (Previous meetings were held quietly in smaller rooms, because there had only been a few shareholders.) The business of the meeting had been planned (or choreographed) so that the voting could be staged in 15 minutes or less. In most cases, voting proxies are collected by mail and counted days or months before a meeting. In this case, after the IPO, many shares were in new hands. Steve Jobs started his prepared speech, but after being interrupted by voting several times, he dropped his prepared speech and delivered a long, emotionally charged talk about betrayal, lack of respect, and related topics. Apple Inc Development. (2016, Dec 09).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Essay on your name Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
On your name - Essay Example The hospital staff told my parents why they strongly believed that I should be named Victor. They told them the origin of the name. The name Victor is a Latin word meaning â€Å"one who conquerors†or â€Å"champion.†It is derived from the word â€Å"vincere†which means â€Å"to win.†The doctors also said that early Christians referenced â€Å"Victor†to Christ’s victory over sin and death and that there are numerous saints and three popes named Victor. One of the saints was Victor the Moor, a Christian martyr, born into a Christian family who became a soldier in the Roman Praetorian Guard. After he destroyed some pagan altars, he was arrested, tortured and killed. It was claimed that miracles occurred above his grave. A church was built above the supposed grave site. Many churches have been dedicated to him in the city and throughout the Diocese of Milan and its neighborhood. His memorial day is May 8th in the Roman Catholic Church and th e Evangelical Lutheran Church. One of the nurses stated that although I was not born on that day, yet my parents were granted a miracle and it was my determination to make it to this world that allowed that miracle to occur. Everything from the circumstances in which I was born to the name’s beautiful meaning went in favor of having me named
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